February 23rd
Song | Oh Great High Priest
Song | Christ Exalted Is Our Song
Scripture Reading
Song | Show Us Christ
Sermon | John 18:28-32
Song | Jesus Our Judge and Our Savior
Song | Sovereign Over Us
Worship Services
We gather at 9:00am and 10:45am on Sundays for our weekly worship services.
Our Music Ministry Team leads us in contemporary and traditional songs of the faith that are theologically rich. You can expect to hear songs from the Gettys, Sovereign Grace Music, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, and other like-minded groups.
Pastor Jay also leads us expositionally through the Word of God. The service also will contain other Scripture Readings and Prayer.
Current Sermon Series: The Gospel of John
Midweek @ CP
September - November & January - May
Women's Ministry | 10am & 6pm
Currently studying through the book of Exodus
Men's Ministry | 6pm
The men are currently taking our Sunday sermons and diving deeper into the text!
Youth Ministry | 6pm
The Youth (7th - 12th Grade) spend time each week talking about current events and thoughts from a biblical standpoint.
Children's Ministry | 6pm
There are children's classes for Infants - Age 4, Age 5 - 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade - 6th Grade. The different classes are going through the 'Praise Factory' by Connie Dever and the ministry of 9 Marks.